Ultimate Kit Intermediate Projects

Alarm Clock Build

Build your own alarm clock from the ground up! Add features like a message alarm, a speaker, AM/PM, and modes that make your alarm clock customized to you.

Estimated time to complete:
8 Hours

Brightness & Color Tuner

Use button A5 to update the color value of the LED strip. Use button 2 to update the brightness of the LED strip.

Changing Color Pixel Bounce

Send a single pixel up and down the strip, changing direction at each end and changing color along the way!

Color Sweep

Sweep colors across the flexible LED strip with a couple of incrementing statements.

Color Sweep with Button

Holding down a button bounces a pixel up and down the flexible LED strip with an if statement.

Color Tuner

Hold down a button to cycle through the colors of the LED strip with all of the pixels at the same time.


Fade the entire LED strip's brightness up and back down using the .setPixel method().

LED Volume Indicator

Use a sound trigger to change the brightness of an LED. The louder the noise, the brighter the LED!

Light Sensor LED Strip Gauge

Using an LED Strip and a light sensor, create a light gauge that lights up more pixels when it's bright and fewer when it's dim.

Nap Spot Indicator

Use temperature, light, and sound sensors to measure the environment around you. When you've found somewhere that's dark, warm, and quiet, you've found a perfect nap spot!

Pixel Bounce

Send a single pixel up and down the strip, changing direction at each end.

Pixel Bounce with Button

Holding down a button bounces a pixel up and down the flexible LED strip.

Room Mood Display

Use temperature, light, and sound sensors to measure the environment around you. Then display the values using the brightness of LED lights. What color is your environment?

Sleep Friendly Nightlight

Create a smart night light that comes on when the room gets dark. After you turn it off with a clap, it won't turn on again until the next night.

Sound Light Switch

Use a sound trigger to turn an LED on and off when it 'hears' a loud noise.

Temperature Sensor LED Strip Color Changer

Using an LED Strip and a temperature sensor, create a temperature display that changes color based on the temperature.

Tricolor Temperature Indicator

Using three LEDs or one multicolor LED, set three temperature thresholds. Turn on a different LED depending on the temperature band you're in.

Two-Clap Light Switch

Use a sound trigger to listen for two claps to turn on an LED. Wait for two more claps to turn off the LED. What other noises can trigger the light?